Sunday, October 24, 2010

TV and Computer Time

I have students that tease me all the time about how they are going to break their record for watching TV or playing Wii. 8 hours straight, they tell me. I groan and say "NO".

So, just to clear my conscience, here is a little article about screen time and kids...

"There's no getting around it: Hours of TV and computer time leads to psychological and academic problems for young people, even if those same kids are physically active for large chunks of the day, says New Scientist. In a study involving 1,013 kids ages 10 and 11, researchers in England found that kids who watched TV or were online for two or more hours a day were 61 percent more likely to have emotional, social, and concentration problems, as measured by a standard psychological test for children. Spending time outdoors only had a modest effect on the psychological impact. So it's not the sedentary nature of TV watching and computer use that's primarily to blame; it's something about the content or experience itself. Parents who limit TV and computer time to less than two hours a day need not worry, says study author Angie Page: "It's only above the two-hour threshold that you start to see the negative psychological effect."
taken from The Week magazine dated October 29th, 2010

Thank you for letting me get that out. =)
Ms. Whalen

Thursday, October 14, 2010


There are quite a few bugs going around right now so I thought I would post a little reminder about when to keep your child at home.
  • if your child has a temperature over 100 degrees
  • if your child has thrown up in the last 24 hours
  • if your child is complaining of a severe sore throat
  • if your "mom sense" is telling you that something is just not right

Please talk to your child about the importance of washing hands and sneezing or coughing into their elbow to keep from spreading germs.

We will make sure that students are using hand sanitizer before eating and wiping down desks at least once a week.

Thank you for your help!

Ms. Whalen and Ms. Wetzel

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Parent/Guardian/Teacher conferences

We are looking forward to seeing you tonight or tomorrow morning!

Ms. Whalen and Ms. Wetzel

Monday, October 4, 2010

The Book Fair is HERE!


I love the book fair and our students do too! The excitement has been building and today we finally get to preview what new titles are here.

Your child will be heading in to create their wish lists during classes today and I'm sure you will be hearing all about it. You are welcome to visit the book fair with your child before school, after car line or when you come in for conferences. Your child is also allowed to visit during lunch and/or snack time. Please remember that if you send money with your child it could be lost.

In your Thursday folders last week you should have found a sheet regarding the One for Books program. The program this year features a homeroom class competition! The class that raises the most money for One for Books will win a pizza party with Mr. Gonzales!

Money and One for Books slips will be collect first thing in the morning in each homeroom. Encourage your child to make their One for Books donations in their homeroom class as donations made in the library will go into the general collection fund and not credited to a homeroom teacher.

Thank you in advance for your support of our school library!
Ms. Whalen and Ms. Wetzel