Monday, September 14, 2015

Picture day!!!

Don't forget that this Thursday Sept 17th is picture day!! If you want to place orders, the form should have been in last week's Thursday folder. If you missed it, the front office has extras that you can grab.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Science lab help!

I am running an extremely hands on lab for my class on Tuesday Sept 15th and for Ms. Neuhart's class on Friday Sept 18th. I need a few parent volunteers on each of those days. Please email me asap if you are available to help from 9:20- 10:10.

Thank you!
Ms. Whalen

Birthday celebrations this year

 For the last few years we have been able to have our birthday celebrations either right at the end of the day or just before lunch. This year our schedule does not allow for that so we are changing it up a little. Plus it is healthier for the kids!
So on the last Friday of the month during DEAR, we will celebrate that month's birthdays. Healthy snacks only will be served like popcorn, fruits and veggies. We still have ELA at the end of the day and would prefer not to sugar up the students before sending them on to ELA!

We will do July, August, September birthdays on Friday Sept. 25.  
October birthdays Thursday Oct. 29 
November birthdays Tuesday, Nov. 24
December birthdays Friday, Dec. 18
January birthdays Friday January 29
February birthdays Friday Feb. 26
March birthdays Friday March 25
April birthdays Friday, April 29
May, June birthdays on Friday June 3 (Last day of school)

Ms. Whalen