Friday, October 25, 2013

To Help Your Student Practice their Oral Presentation

Nervous System Study Guide

Please practice with your child as they present their model to you.


Actions that take place in the cerebrum:

  • 85 % of the weight of the brain
  • 9/10 the size of the brain
  • The outer layer of the cerebrum is the cerebral cortex.
  • Voluntary muscles. (voluntary muscles are those that we can control- for skiing, walking, jumping, writing, etc)
  • Thinking
  • Learning
  • Personality
  • 5 senses
  • Emotions
  • Intelligence
  • Memory- long term and short term
  • Left side of the cerebrum controls the right side of the body. Right side controls the left side of the body.
  • There is a thick bundle of nerves that connects the hemispheres so that they can “talk” to each other.
  • Left hemisphere of the cerebrum:      
    • Math
    • Science
    • Logical reasoning
  • Right hemisphere of the cerebrum:
    • Art
    • Music
    • Creativity


  • Balance and Coordination

Brain stem (also called the Medulla)-

  • “central computer”
  • “Post office”- sorts messages received from the body and sends them to the brain. Receives messages from the brain and sends them to the body.
  • Involuntary muscles (involuntary muscles work on their own such as breathing, heart beating and digestion)
  • Reflexes

Spinal cord-

  • Carries messages from the body to the brain
  • Carries messages from the brain to the body

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Social Studies

Guide for Canada Test –
Ms. Whalen's homeroom: Tuesday November 5, 2013
Ms. Wetzel’s Homeroom: Monday November 4, 2013
Please concentrate on how Canada is alike and different from the United States.  You may use this guide to study, as well the guide (Venn diagram) that you have completed in class.  The test will be in a Venn diagram format.  On your Venn diagram you will be required to summarize at least one historical development and how it has shaped the development of present day Canada and also identify that Canada is divided into provinces and territories.  I will bold print these points on this study guide. You will need to write at least 4 facts for each category; it must include some of the bolded facts.
Native Americas lived in both first
Totem poles
Hunted buffalo
Native people were treated poorly by settlers
Both were colonies of England at one time
Both are no longer Colonies of England
Both speak English
The money is called dollars and cents
TV shows
Food (hamburgers, cornflakes)
Rebelled against England and fought a war for their independence
Divided into states
Money has presidents and other American symbols
Baseball and football
Large population
Warm and cold climates
Eagle, a national symbol
Flag has stars and stripes
Divided into provinces and territories
Settled by French people
Many speak French
Gradually and peacefully broke away from England
Money has a loon, beaver and the Queen of England
Larger in land
Cold climate
Flag has a maple leaf
Prime Minister


 Nervous System Project !

Due the week of  November 4th through the 6th, 2013!!!

Your final for the Nervous System Unit is to make a model of the brain.

You may use any materials that you can find around the house.  Some ideas for things to use are: dry noodles, beans, clay, play dough, cardboard, Legos, baked pan cookies with icing. Just about anything will work as long as it does not create a mess in the classroom; no ice sculptures or ice cream models.        

You may not just draw a picture on paper, but you may glue things to poster board or cardboard, or build the model any other way you would like to. This is your unit ending final grade. I am looking to see what you have learned during this unit and how you are able to communicate that learning to me. Please show me that you care by spending some time and effort on this project and it will reflect in your grade. The majority of your grade will be the oral interview, but your project will be at least 1/3 of it. The entire project will have 30 possible points to earn.

You brain model will need to include:

  • Cerebrum
  • Cerebellum
  • Brain stem/medulla
  • Spinal cord

You will need to explain each area of the brain and what its function is to me during our oral interview.

You can turn in this project any time during the week of November 4th to the 6th, but it must be turned in by the 6th. If turned in late, you will be docked 5 points for each day it is late.

If you are in need of supplies to create your project, please let me know ASAP.

Tara Whalen