Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Just a note to remind you to please have your student bring in a sheet of poster paper for their project. We are going to be creating our Gallery Night projects on Monday (Wetzel) and Tuesday (Whalen).

We are also celebrating August and September birthdays on Monday (Wetzel) and Tuesday (Whalen). If your child has a birthday to celebrate please contact your homeroom teacher to let them know what you are bringing.

Ms. Whalen and Ms. Wetzel

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Gallery Night

Highline's 3-5th grades are hosting our first ever Gallery Night on the evening of September 30th. This event gives our students a chance to display their work and our communities to bond with an evening together.

Each grade has a different focus for how their night will look. In the 3rd grade we are focusing on our personal narratives that we have been working on for a month now. Each student will have a space where they can display work about which they are most excited.

We would love to ask, if possible, that your student provide a piece of poster board on which they can create their space. These poster boards will then be hung in the hall so parents and students can wonder and read during our Gallery Night.

The night will be from 5:30 to 7:00 and families are encouraged to bring a picnic dinner for their own families.

Ms. Whalen and Ms. Wetzel

Monday, September 13, 2010

A few things...

Just so you remember... there is a landforms social studies test tomorrow- Tuesday, Sept 14.

There is a quick quiz in science also... what are the 3 functions of the skeleton? (form, protection, and movement)


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Let's Talk Silly Bandz

As I am sure all of you know, Silly Bandz are the recent hottest thing. We see our students wearing a gazillion of them every day. Here in the 3rd grade we are OK with the students wearing Silly Bandz to school as long as they realize a few things.
  • If the student is playing with them or distracted by them during class time, they will be taken away. The student may or may NOT receive them back from the teacher.
  • The student understands that a band could be broken, stolen or lost during the school day.
  • The teachers are not responsible for any trades that are made.
  • We, as the 3rd grade team, can ban Silly Bandz from the classroom as a whole if they ever become a real problem!
Thank you for understanding!