Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Math camps for Summertime

The amazing Ms. Maurello, our math guru, has put together a list of ideas that are math based for summer camps.

Colorado Academy Summer Camps

Offer a variety of day/overnight camps. At the link, choose the appropriate grade level and you can peruse the different options.

Count Me In Math Camp for Girls

June-August Program for girls is a place to practice, create and compete in math in an engaging and supportive setting. Cost: varies. Age range: 6-12; 303-564-6512, e-mail: info@countmeinmath.com, website: countmeinmath.com

 Mind Craft Math

June 9-June 13 Students will work through Common Core Math problems through gaming (specifically Minecraft Math) and problem-based learning. Cost: $135. Age range: 7-11; 200 Quebec St. Bldg 600 #218, Denver, CO 80230; 303-364-9581, e-mail: bglanex@gmail.com, website: exllearning.com

Academy Adventures

June 16-July 25 Classes include computers, rockets, recreation, cooking, academics and performance arts. Cost: $399 for two weeks. Age range: 5-13; 4545 S. University Blvd., Englewood, CO 80210; 303-783-6217, e-mail: smayfield@smanet.org, website: smanet.org

Beyond Calculus: An Intro to Pure Mathematics for the Young

June 16- 20 Honors math students in middle or in high school will learn the basics of number theory, real analysis and linear algebra. Prerequisite: Algebra 1 and student also must pass an honors math exam. Cost: $275. Age range: 10-19; 1250 14th St., Denver, CO 80202; 720-239-2252, e-mail: mathpioneers@gmail.com, website: mathpioneersignite.org

Bits, Bytes & Bots

June 9-July 25 Build /program LEGO robots; program a computer game, make stop-motion movies; make computer animation. Cost: $285 per session. Age range: 6-14; 4085 Lark Sparrow St., Highlands Ranch, CO 80126; 303-841-4411, e-mail: denversouth@bitsbytesbots.com, website: denverco.bitsbytesbots.com

Brain Ingenuity

June 2-Aug. 1 Programs uses results-driven exercises that specialize in attention, organization, study skills, memory, math, ACT/SAT prep. and reading skills. Cost: varies. Age range: 8-18; , Highlands Ranch, CO 80124; 303-649-2225, e-mail: bdmcgrane@comcast.net, website: brainingenuity.com


Colorado Academy Programs

June 9-Aug. 1 Mix and match all programs for your camper. Traditional activities are offered along with academics. Extended care, bus service, swimming lessons, and lunch available. Cost: Camps start at $120. Age range: 5-16; 3800 S. Pierce St., Denver, CO 80235; 303-914-2531, e-mail: summer.programs@coloradoacademy.org, website: coloradoacademysummer.org


June 2-Aug. 8 The complex world of technology is simplified by connecting science, technology, engineering, math and the arts. Classes include engineering, photography, video game programming, Minecraft, EV3 and more. Cost: varies. Age range: 5-14; 12650 W. 64TH Ave #E209, Arvada, CO 80004; 877-266-7859, e-mail: info@cedenver.com, website: cedenver.com

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

TCAP testing

If you are able to supply a healthy snack for TCAP, we would really appreciate it!!!
Some examples might me cutie oranges, cheese sticks, go-gurts, small water bottles.
Thank you!!!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Study guide for Social Studies Quiz –

March17th Ms. Wetzel’s Homeroom
March 18th Ms. Whalen’s Homeroom
During the Ice Age, Beringia was the land bridge that connected Asia with North American. These people that lived there were hunters and gatherers. One animal they hunted was the wooly mammoth.
The Inuits live in Canada near the Artic Ocean.
The Mound Builders lived in the Midwest and may have been killed by diseases from the Europeans.
The Anasazi lived in cliff dwellings, high above the ground, to protect themselves from their enemies.