Friday, January 23, 2015

Study guide

Study guide for Social Studies Quiz –
Friday January 30th
During the Ice Age, Beringia was the land bridge that connected Asia with North American. These people that lived there were hunters and gatherers. One animal they hunted was the woolly mammoth.
The Inuits live in Canada near the Arctic Ocean.
The Mound Builders lived in the Midwest and may have been killed by diseases from the Europeans.
The Anasazi lived in cliff dwellings, high above the ground, to protect themselves from their enemies. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Thank you!!

We'd like to thank all of you that made our Roman Holiday such a huge success. This was honestly one of our favorites.  From the creative crafts, to the amazing games and delicious food, it was truly a holiday to remember.
In sincere appreciation, 
Ms. Wetzel & Ms. Whalen

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Writing this week

Hello all!
We are continuing on with our opinion writing. Now we are transitioning into writing papers in which we attempt to persuade our reader to our opinion. In order to do this, we start our writing with Pro/Con lists about the topic. Then we use our top three reasons from the longer list to write our paper.

This week we will be writing about which makes a better pet, a cat or a dog. The students will begin by creating a Pro/Con list for both animals. You can help by helping them think through all the pros and cons for each animal. You might consider the costs, the companionship, and the responsibilities that come with pet ownership.

Thank you, as always, for your help.
Ms. Whalen and Ms. Wetzel

Monday, January 5, 2015


Welcome back!!! We hope you had a wonderful winter break and are ready to get started again.

This is just a reminder that a few more school supplies are now due. If your last name starts with...
  •  A-L: please provide at least 2 large snack items such as pretzels, goldfish or crackers.

  • M-Z: please provide ONE of the following items...
    • 2 packages of Expo markers
    • 5 boxes of tissues
    • 2- 100 count (or so) box of sandwich baggies

Ms. Whalen and Ms. Wetzel

Roman Holiday

Hello 3rd Grade Parents and Guardians,

3rd Grade "Roman Holiday" is Friday 1:15-3:30
January 9th.     Your student will need to bring a costume for the celebration.  We have found that a flat sheet and belt over their clothes works just fine.  They can also wear sandals if they would like.  Please send these in on Wednesday or Thursday.  
Please put the costume in a bag with your student’s name on it, and send to school with them on Wednesday or Thursday
We are still in need of volunteers and snacks for our Roman Holiday program.  If interested please respond to either this notification or contact Ms. Wetzel.

Please feel free to come for all or part of this celebration.
