Monday, October 12, 2015

Vacation days

If you are planning a vacation or will be absent and know ahead of time, it's always great for me to know beforehand. Please just shoot me an email ( Here are some things to consider when requesting work before the class has taken place:
1. My plans are fluid. If students understand new concepts quickly, we move quickly through lessons. If they have difficulty, we slowdown. It's not often possible for me to predict the pace of class.
2. If work has already been copied, I'm happy to give it to your child. If not, they will need to pick it up upon their return. I often print copies the day before we use them, in case changes need to be made.
3. My class operates heavily on class discussion. Missing school inevitably means that content will be missed that cannot be made up. Your child will most likely know the topic of our discussions on the day that they miss. Encourage your child to do some research on the topic. Take them to the library, or encourage online searches. This will build background knowledge and context.
4. To read the Highline Academy Family Handbook, and it's official policy on Make up Work, please click here and scroll to page 9.

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