Students will need to start their papers with Occasion/Position topic sentences... here are some examples:
- Although hearing is important, I think my sight is even more important.
- Although I use my eyes a lot, I would rather lose my eyes than lose my ears.
- If I had to lose one, I'd rather lose my ears than my eyes.
Transition Words for
CHANGING Paragraphs
First of all > Next > Finally
To begin > Next > In addition to
One reason > Another reason > The final reason
One example > Another example > The final
An important reason > An equally important reason
> The most important reason
Transition Words for
Making a Point WITHIN a Paragraph
For example
For instance
Equally important
The most important
As well as
An example of
Their conclusion statement needs to be tied back into the opinion they stated in their topic sentence. (restated in a different way)
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