Nervous System Project !
Due the week of November 4th through the 6th, 2013!!!
Your final for the Nervous System Unit is to make a model of
the brain.

You may not just
draw a picture on paper, but you may glue things to poster board or cardboard,
or build the model any other way you would like to. This is your unit ending
final grade. I am looking to see what you have learned during this unit and how
you are able to communicate that learning to me. Please show me that you care
by spending some time and effort on this project and it will reflect in your
grade. The majority of your grade will be the oral interview, but your project
will be at least 1/3 of it. The entire project will have 30 possible points to
You brain model will need to include:
- Cerebrum
- Cerebellum
- Brain
- Spinal
You will need to explain each area of the brain and what its
function is to me during our oral interview.
You can turn in this project any time during the week of November 4th to the 6th, but it
must be turned in by the 6th. If turned in late, you will be
docked 5 points for each day it is late.
If you are in need of supplies to create your project,
please let me know ASAP.
Tara Whalen
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