Nervous System Study Guide
Please practice with your child as they present their model
to you.
Actions that take place in the cerebrum:
- 85 %
of the weight of the brain
- 9/10
the size of the brain
- The
outer layer of the cerebrum is the cerebral cortex.
- Voluntary
muscles. (voluntary muscles are those that we can control- for skiing,
walking, jumping, writing, etc)
- Thinking
- Learning
- Personality
- 5
- Emotions
- Intelligence
- Memory-
long term and short term
- Left
side of the cerebrum controls the right side of the body. Right side
controls the left side of the body.
- There
is a thick bundle of nerves that connects the hemispheres so that they can
“talk” to each other.
- Left
hemisphere of the cerebrum:
- Math
- Science
- Logical
- Right
hemisphere of the cerebrum:
- Art
- Music
- Creativity
- Balance
and Coordination
Brain stem (also called the Medulla)-
- “central
- “Post
office”- sorts messages received from the body and sends them to the
brain. Receives messages from the brain and sends them to the body.
- Involuntary
muscles (involuntary muscles work on their own such as breathing, heart
beating and digestion)
- Reflexes
Spinal cord-
- Carries
messages from the body to the brain
- Carries
messages from the brain to the body