Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Math assessment

If your child has me for math class, they will have an assessment when they return from break next week. I sent home with them a practice assessment on the 18th. They can always- and I highly encourage them to- go onto to help study for this assessment. I reset all of their accounts back to the beginning of this unit before break.

If you need a copy of the practice assessment- please email me and I will happily respond with a copy. :)

(working together for the power of evil.... mmwhaaaaa- oh sorry)

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Winter Concert

Due to our snow day, we will be rescheduling the 3-5 Winter concert to this Thursday from 6-7pm.  

Stay safe everyone. 

Monday, December 14, 2015

Class snacks

We are out of snack again. Please send your child with a home snack this week OR if you are willing, we always accept extra donations.

Please keep in mind that in January the second part of our school supplies will be due. If your family did not have to provide snack in August, you are asked to bring 2 large items to share in January.

Thank you!!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Math homework help!!

If you are having trouble helping your child with their math homework- Ms. Neuhart has found a website that may help. There is a short video for each lesson! Look for the Module number first and then the lesson number.

We are on Module 2 right now.

Hope this helps :)
Ms Whalen

Winter Concert

December 15th is the Winter Concert for 3-5th grades, the Guitar Club, the Glee Club and the Highline Band. The show begins at 6 PM but the students need to be in their homeroom classes by 5:35 PM.

Students can wear their uniforms OR dress up for the show. Sorry but jeans are not allowed at this event.

Friday, December 4, 2015

December 8th Colorado Gives Day

If Each Family gave $30 on Colorado Gives Day…
Then Highline can ensure:
• Small class sizes
• Strong Liberal Arts
• Increased technology
• Rigorous Education
The funding that Highline receives from the State is not enough to meet our needs. We have a
2015-16 fundraising goal of :
to help maintain our strong
educational values.
• If every family gave a one-time donation of $234,
we would REACH  our goal for the YEAR
• Your family may choose to sponsor another family
• REACH Out to local businesses to ask if they could
donate to Highline on Colorado Gives Day. Please
stop by the front office to pick up a Donor Sheet.

How it works: All donors must type “SOUTHEAST”in the
Special Instructions section to ensure that funds go
directly to the Southeast campus.
1. Log on to
2. Search for Highline Academy
4. Enter donation amount
5. Donation type: CO Gives Day
6. Complete all other fields below
Thank you for your donation to Highline
on December 8th for CO Gives Day!


I just need to say that this year has been an amazing group of brain projects!!! I am really enjoying meeting with each student individually to see their knowledge. They are doing really well!!!