Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Social Studies quiz

Quiz 1    Southern Colonies    Test Tuesday May 5th
Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement.
John Smith said that colonists that did not work could not eat.
Jamestown almost did not survive The Starving Time.
Maryland was begun as a refuge for English Catholics
The first cash crop in the colonies was tobacco.
South Carolina’s cash crops were rice and indigo.
The Middle Passage was the trip from Africa to America.
Slaves did most of the work on plantations.
James Oglethorpe tried to start a colony for poor people in Georgia.
Many of the colonial settlers were from the continents of Europe and Africa.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Science assessment on Tuesday

Ecology Study Guide…..Assessment 4/28


What is a food chain? Transfer of energy through producers, consumers and decomposers that creates the balance of nature.


The members of a food chain

Sun: the first step in the food chain- gives energy to producers

Producer (plants): They make their own food from the energy they get from the sun.  (bushes, trees, grass, weeds, veggies, fruits, etc)

Primary Consumer (herbivores): They eat the Producers which gives them energy. (bunnies, squirrels, deer, caterpillars, etc)

Secondary Consumer (Carnivores): They eat the Primary Consumers which transfers the energy to them. (foxes, bears, cats, mountain lions, dogs, wolves, birds, people, etc)

Decomposer (fungi, bacteria, worms): They break down the dead bodies’ of plants and animals which in turn transfers the energy back into the soil.


Things we can do that help the environment

Reduce- use less water, turn off lights or TVs when they are not being used

Reuse- clothing- donate or hand down, water bottles, plastic containers

Recycle- paper, cardboard, steel, aluminum cans, plastic containers, newspapers


Why is it important to have a balance in nature?

It is important to have a balance in nature because when there is more of one resource such as deer and not enough of another such as food, all the food will be eaten up which in turn will cause the deer to die out. It is important to have enough food to feed the deer, wolves to help keep the herd sizes down, which in turn will allow more food to grow.


Other Vocabulary:


Water pollution: To make water dirty from harmful liquids, trash or gas.

Air pollution: To make the air dirty from harmful gases such as exhaust from a car or smoke from a factory.

Land pollution: To make the land dirty from harmful trash not being thrown away properly.

Ecosystem: A specific community of living and nonliving things interacting in an environment.

Environment: The natural surroundings of a living thing

Compost: Adding nutrients back to the soil through old food and grass clippings

Recycle: Use again

Pure Stream: Sorting things so that like things being recycled are together (green glass with green glass, clear glass with clear glass)

Single Stream: Putting all recyclables in one container together.


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Science Field Trip Tomorrow

We are headed to the Wildlife Experience tomorrow (Wednesday, April 22) to continue our studies of animals, habitats and ecosystems. We will be gone from 9:15  and returning to the school by 2:00. Please pack a sack lunch for your child tomorrow.
Thank you!!!