Monday, January 31, 2011

CSAP testing

Yes, it's true. CSAP is just around the corner!

Third grade will be taking the reading tests next week! On Tuesday and Wednesday, for one hour only, first thing in the morning. Please, please, please make sure your child is well rested and has a great breakfast those mornings. We will also be feeding them healthy snacks as soon as they come in to make sure their brains and bodies are really ready for the exhausting process of sitting still and thinking hard for that hour. Speaking of which, if you would love to donate oranges, bananas, cheese sticks, go-gurts, or anything like that, we would greatly appreciate it!

The second rumor that you are probably hearing is also true. I, Ms. Whalen, am not allowed to administer the CSAP to 3rd grade this year. Colorado Department of Education has stated that any teacher, with a child of their own in the grade that they teach, not be allowed to administer the test. Even if my child was in another school, but in 3rd grade, I would not be allowed to give the test. I am horribly upset by this and just found out last Wednesday. My students just found out today and they aren't too happy about it either. I believe that Ms. Neuhart will step into my classroom during the testing period. I will still be in the building and a part of the class at every other point during those days. If you have any questions, please feel free to call, email or post here.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A couple of things...

We have our first field trip scheduled!!!! On January 27th we are headed to the Gates Planetarium at the Museum of Nature and Science. Woo Hoo!!!! More information will follow in the Thursday folder on a field trip form.

Both classes could use some more snacks. Please and Thank you!

Lastly, we will be having another museum night at school coming up in the Spring. Please encourage your child to be saving their best work or things they are proud of to display during that evening.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

science study guide

The Ear and Sound Study Guide

You need to be able to fill out the parts of the ear.
Sound is vibrations that travel in waves.
Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone with his assistant Mr. Watson. The first words spoken were “Mr. Watson, come here. I want you.”
The “outer ear” is made up of the Pinna and the auditory canal.
The “middle ear” is made up of the ear drum, hammer, anvil, and stirrup.
The “inner ear” is made up of the cochlea and the auditory nerve.
The reason you feel dizzy after spinning for a period of time is that your brain is confused. It is receiving two messages from your body. One- your semi-circular canals have liquid in them that continues to move after you stop which tells your brain that you are still moving. Two- your legs tell your brain that you have stopped moving. You become dizzy and may fall.
There are many ways to keep your ears healthy. Some of them are…
Let a doctor remove your earwax when necessary.
Don’t listen to loud noises for long periods of time.
Wear hearing protectors like ear plugs or ear muffs if you are going to be around loud noises.
Don’t ever place sharp things into your ears.
You hear sound…do your hand motions with this to help you remember.
first- you hit a drum
Then- vibrations occur
Your pinna “catches” the sound
It goes into your auditory canal
and your eardrum begins to vibrate which vibrates up against the
hammer, and then the
anvil, and then the
Then it vibrates up against the cochlea which has
a liquid that begins to move and
tiny hairs that catch the message. The message is given to
the auditory nerve which sends it to
the brain stem/ medulla
it ends up in the cerebrum and you hear sound.

You should also be able to sign your name with sign language.

Monday, January 3, 2011

lost jacket

On the day of our Roman Holiday, someone left behind a beautiful brown leather coat. If you are missing it, please visit Ms. Wetzel to get it back =)