Monday, August 30, 2010



Sonic came to my classroom this morning with a really really big check! Math Masters Meet on Mondays was fully funded this morning!!!

Ms. Whalen

Math Masters

Hello again!

I just wanted you all to know about this project I am working on. Last spring I started a math club here at Highline called Math Masters. We meet on Mondays during the students lunch time. They grab their lunches and then come and hang out in my class while playing math games.

I heard about a community support program through Sonic Drive In called Limeades for Learning and immediately wanted to apply for my Math Masters. This program funds projects for classroom teachers helping them pay for different things they need within their classroom. The really cool thing is that all we have to do is have our projects voted on in order to receive the support!

(This is where you all come in.)

During the next month you can vote for my project to be funded at the following website. Unfortunately, you do have to go through a few clicks here and there to find mine. You start here...

and then click on "Find a project" on the left hand side of the screen.

When you see "add a filter" in the middle box, click on location.

Then click "Colorado".

Click on "+city".

Then on ""+Denver".

My project is listed on that page... It's called "Math Masters Meet Mondays."

Please, if you can spare a minute or two, vote for our club!

often... if possible =)


Ms. Whalen

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What did you do today?

We start the year in science studying the Scientific Method, the series of steps that a scientist uses when running experiments. The great thing about this unit is all the fun hands on labs that help us practice using those steps!

Monday and Tuesday of this week, we are working on a lab called Bubble, Bubble. The question we are asking is "Which liquid soap will create the largest bubble?" Each student is making their own hypothesis as to what their educated quess is. The competition is between a dish soap, shampoo and laundry detergent. When the lab is complete, we will write up are findings explaining whether or not our hypothesis was correct.

Enjoy your day!
Ms. Whalen

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Wow- what a great 1st day!!!

It's so hard to believe that our first day back is already done! It was a fabulous day and marks what we are sure is going to be a wonderful year! It's so exciting!!

Hopefully your student reported back to you about their first day and all the fun we had together building up our third grade team. The real work is about to begin though. Hold on to your hats.

Be on the look out for your first Thursday folder coming home this week. In it you will find a survey to complete with your child. Please let them interview you and enjoy your time spent together.

Ms. Whalen and Ms. Wetzel

Friday, August 6, 2010

Welcome to the 2010- 2011 School Year!

OOOOh, do you smell that? That's the smell of back to school. Bouquets of sharpened pencils... new uniforms... freshly cleaned classrooms... wonderful!

I hope you all are as excited to start the new year as I am. On Tuesday August 17th, the new school year begins. We are planning lots of exciting and fun things to get our year off to a great start! We are going to have the most successful third grade class ever!!!

I look forward to seeing you all at the ice cream social on Thursday, August 12th from 6:00 to 7:00 PM. Come and say "Hi" to us, find out who your homeroom teacher will be and catch up with all your friends from last year.

See you soon!
Ms. Whalen